的 difference between 十大正规彩票平台’s approach and that of other schools boils down to Curley’s focus on the individual. 这种关注延伸到正规的玩彩平台的学术, co-curricular and technology program and is a direct reflection of our school’s 弗朗西斯can character. 十大正规彩票平台的大小, 一个有550名学生的社区, lends itself to providing the young men in our care with all of the opportunities of a much larger school while maintaining a community where every student is valued and known by name.
十大正规彩票平台 is the only all-male 弗朗西斯can high school in the city of 巴尔的摩 and the state of 马里兰. 这意味着正规的玩彩平台是由圣. 亚西西的弗朗西斯. 众所周知,他为穷人服务,热爱大自然. 弗朗西斯 tried to make real the experience of Jesus Christ in the lives of those he met. 的 弗朗西斯can Friars who minister at Curley and the men and women with whom they work all strive to instill the spirit of St. 弗朗西斯.
2024-25学年的学费为18,650美元. Each family has the opportunity to apply for financial aid and Curley works hard to provide aid to families in need. 仅去年一年,正规的玩彩平台就分发了100多万美元的援助. Families applying for financial aid must complete the Application for 金融援助 through FACTS. All students who list Curley as first or second choice when registering for the HSPT, 是否有资格获得所有基于成绩的学术奖学金, 捐赠奖学金, 将军授予, 体育奖学金和器乐奖学金.
的 typical freshman schedule consists of six full credit and two half credit courses. 大一新生的核心课程包括神学课程, 英语, 社会研究, 外语, 数学与科学. 柯利的教学周期为6天,轮流上课. 新生在为期六天的学习周期中有两次自习时间.
大主教柯利利用自带设备计划(BYOD). All students are required to use a laptop daily, in both the classroom and at home. This BYOD learning environment has enabled our faculty to integrate emerging technology into our students’ educational experience. 将笔记本电脑融入到日常课程中, 课堂已转变为以学生为中心的模式. 的 BYOD program seeks to develop in our Curley men the skills critical to success at both the collegiate and professional levels in the 21st Century. 批判性思维, 解决问题, and the ability to work collaboratively are some of the skills that are emphasized in an environment designed to stimulate creativity and innovation.
大主教柯利高中’s rigorous academic program challenges each student to develop the skills necessary for success in the college or university of his choice. Our dedicated faculty guide students through the learning process and help them maximize their potential. 柯利的必修课为未来的成功奠定了坚实的基础, while introducing students to elective courses designed to open minds to future college majors and careers.
在方济会的教育模式中, each Curley Man is engaged in an active learning environment that asks him to think, 讨论, 调查和创造. 通过这些方式,学生承担了更多的责任来增长知识, 从而使他成为一个终身学习者.
St. Bonaventure学者项目
对于一群精英学生来说 St. Bonaventure学者项目 提供超越荣誉课程的学术挑战. 圣. Bonaventure Scholars program is a comprehensive experience that combines high-level academic coursework with opportunities and experiences that go beyond the classroom. 顶点项目, 探索之日节目, and out-of-state college visits provide a rich and well-rounded experience for students who earn acceptance to this program.
大主教柯利的荣誉计划 is designed to challenge highly talented and motivated students to pursue Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors level courses. 十大正规彩票平台 maintains relationships with several local colleges and universities, 鼓励学生通过双录取机会获得大学学分.
St. 安东尼计划
的 St. 安东尼计划 is a multifaceted college preparatory program intentionally designed for young men who require adaptive learning practices due to academic challenges, 诊断出的学习差异, 或者不同的学习方式. This program is meant to support students and provide its graduates with the tools necessary to succeed at the next level of education.
A Friar For A Day visit is the best way to experience all that Curley has to offer. Schedule a Friar For A Day visit by creating an account and registering for a convenient time using our interactive calendar.
十大正规彩票平台 accepts transfer students for matriculation in its sophomore and junior classes. Curley will accept senior transfers only in special circumstances and will review these applications on an individual basis. It is expected that transfer students will begin their tenure at Curley at the beginning of the school year, but the school will in some cases allow students to transfer at the end of the first quarter or at mid-year.
柯利的学生着装要求包括连衣裙或卡其裤, 纯色的礼服衬衫, 礼服鞋, 领带、领结. 从10月到4月都需要穿运动外套.
十大正规彩票平台 features two full-time college counselors and provides comprehensive college counseling services to all students. 平均, 99%的毕业生继续上大学, and last year the Class of 2024 received $17 million in merit scholarships from 164 four-year colleges and universities in 17 states. In recent years Curley graduates have been accepted into some of the nation’s finest universities including 的 United States Air Force Academy, 棕色(的), 克莱姆森, 亚利桑那州立大学, 西点军校, 哥伦比亚, 巴黎圣母院, 威克森林, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, 马里兰, 豪斯, 维吉尼亚州, 霍华德, 约翰霍普金斯大学和许多其他大学.
十大正规彩票平台 offers a comprehensive athletics program featuring 28 teams in 14 sports, 一个获奖的美术节目和众多的俱乐部, 校内的运动, 还有学生组织. Students are encouraged to participate in multiple co-curricular activities and involve themselves in school life.
大主教柯利目前提供11个A.P. 为希望对核心科目进行更深入学习的学生开设的高级课程. 的se courses provide students with a college level curriculum that will challenge them as well as offer the opportunity to receive college credit. Each year we will look to expand o these courses for students to help them develop college skills, 时间管理, 批判性思维, 学术写作,让他们在大学里领先一步.